Hacken Granted a Permit to Practice Engineering by APEGA

Software Engineering Permit to Practice

Permit to Practice

I am pleased to announce that Hacken was recently granted a license to practice engineering by APEGA. Hacken’s permit number is P15433.

Hacken is one of approximately 4700 corporations licensed to practice engineering in Alberta. See APEGA’s searchable list of Permit Holders.

Exclusive Scope of Practice of Engineering

In the province of Alberta, engineering can only be practiced with a license from APEGA. This is covered in Alberta’s Engineering and Geosciences Professions Act (PDF), Part 1, 2(1).

Responsible Member

One of the requirements of a Permit to Practice is that a company designate a Responsible Member for each area of practice.

At Hacken, I am the Professional Engineer responsible for the practice of software engineering.